Without an alliance in the centre-left camp, you lose.
This is what emerges from the survey conducted on the candidates in the field for the regional elections in Lazio, to be held in February 2023.
Published today in Repubblica, in the pages of the Roman chronicle, the poll considers the consensus percentages that the three candidates gather and the relative results on the parties.
Unlike in Lombardy, where an agreement between M5S and the Democratic Party has been sanctioned ahead of next February’s regional elections, in Lazio there is no such pact, even though the Giallorossi alliance in this region has governed for half of the consiliatura and has been the viaticum for the Giallorossi government at the national level.
Looking at the poll numbers, therefore, if the alliance between the Pd and M5S had been strengthened, the centre-left would win without embarking on Calenda and Renzi’s Third Pole, as is the case with the candidature of Alessio D’Amato.